Welcome to the home site for

ShoeBox Accounting is an educational program designed to teach the basics of accounting to non-accountants. ShoeBox Accounting is donation-ware, and can be obtained by following the instructions below.

1. What can I find at this site?

Here at this site you will find the Lite version of ShoeBox Accounting. The Lite version includes the first half of the instructional material. The Lite version does not include the second half of the material, the comprehensive practice case, or the accounting terminology dictionary.

2. How do I get the rest of ShoeBox Accounting?

ShoeBox Accounting is not freeware, or shareware, or even beer-ware. ShoeBox Accounting has been designated as donation-ware.

3. What is donation-ware?

Donation-ware means that in order to receive the balance of ShoeBox Accounting you must make a donation to a charitable organization with ShoeBox Accounting in mind.

The donation does not need to be in the form of money. Instead of cash you could do some volunteer work or donate some old household items to charities that operate thrift stores.

Any charity of your choosing is fine by me. Some personal favorites that you might consider are

Any amount of money, time or used items is okay. It's your donation of something of yours to an organization that you believe is important, so it's up to you to determine how much is appropriate.

If you already make regular contributions to a favorite charity, that's great, but in order to receive the complete version of ShoeBox Accounting you must make a donation specifically with ShoeBox Accounting in mind. The donation can be made to your regular charity, but somehow indicate that you had ShoeBox Accounting in mind when you made the donation.

4. Okay, I'm ready to make a donation and to receive the rest of ShoeBox Accounting. What do I do now?

Convince me that:

  1. You have made the donation, and
  2. The donation was made specifically with ShoeBox Accounting in mind.

How? Ideally you could have someone that works for the charity send me an e-mail confirming your donation. Or send me a scan of a receipt or cancelled cheque with ShoeBox Accounting noted on the receipt or cheque.

I realize that it may be impossible or very difficult to get some confirmation of this type to me, so send me e-mail with your plans. I don't want to make it difficult to satisfy the requirements, but on the other hand people often need a little push to follow through on their charitable intentions. That's the whole objective of making this program donation-ware.

ShoeBox Accounting is written entirely in HTML with few graphics to minimize file size.  However, the main HTML file itself is over 100K in size, so if you prefer, the complete Lite version is also available in a single zip file.  If you choose the zipped version, simply unzip the files to an empty directory or folder and run the file called "Index.htm" by double clicking on it or by opening with your browser.

Download compressed version


Start On-line version


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