Sequel finished

So, another NaNoWriMo has come and gone. Win number three, with plenty of days to spare.

After the plot difficulties and working to find the answers that I mentioned in the previous post, things came together. I fought my way through  to a reasonable plot. Then, once I came to the point where I had “all the holes plugged” in my middle so that the ending would work, I tried to get to the ending too fast. After some time struggling with this I realized that I needed to take some time and to fill things out. After that point things progressed pretty smoothly.

I tried to begin the review process but it’s too difficult. I don’t know whether it’s because the plot is too bloody complicated and I don’t have a handle on it, or because there are plot issues and writing issues and I can’t do both, or I can’t look at plot without seeing and sensing the writing issues. I do know that I don’t want to spend a lot of time or effort looking at the writing until I get a firmer grasp on the plot, since it seems inefficient to revise something that may get tossed in the bin entirely.

What I may do is go back to the first novel in the series and figure out how and where the additions that I wrote during the summer will fit in, since I haven’t done that yet. Then, I may highlight the additions because I have readers that have seen the earlier version but they need to know the additions before they can make sense of the sequel. That may give me enough distance to be able to start the review process.

If you know me, and are interested, I’m always looking for more readers.













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